Culture & Heritage in Rwanda
The only platform ensuring that culture and heritage in every way ,shape or form reaches the later generations in an efficient way.
Historical Events

Ndungutse rebellion
Fueled by years of oppression, erupted in response to the unjust seizure of ancestral lands. The conflict escalated into violent clashes, inspiring movements for justice and equality.

Conquering of Rwanda
During Ndahiro I Cyamatare's reign, Rwanda faced a threat from Nsibura the ruler of Bunyabungo. The throne Rwoga was taken from Rwanda, marking its defeat.

Rucunshu coup
Rutalindwa was overthrown during the Rucunshu coup, organized by Queen Mother Kanjogera, from the Ega clan. Her son Yuhi Musinga, who was still a child, rose to power.
The best of the best

Pot Set
Egestas elit dui scelerisque ut eu purus aliquam vitae habitasse.

Egestas elit dui scelerisque ut eu purus aliquam vitae habitasse.

Egestas elit dui scelerisque ut eu purus aliquam vitae habitasse.
Featured art categories

Vase Family

Rudahigwa III

Abstract Painting

Performing arts
Traditionl arts

Latest masterpieces

How to weave
By Irere Emmanuel

Round-about sculpture
By Kigali Sculpturing Masters

By Rwandan Melflor

Early Identity Card
By Genocide Archive Rwanda

Fence Spying
By Melvina Spring
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Explore museums
Get to know about various museums ,art palaces and Galleries located everywhere in Rwanda .Partnership with the individual museums grant DHP platform a chance to virtually tour the museums, connecting them to intellectuals from individual museums .You can also win a free ticket to visit one of the museums through our Give-aways !

Ma mere m’a tue Albert Nsegimana
Alors que sa mère, une Hutue, a orchestré et accompagné la tuerie de ses propres enfants, qu'elle a pour certains d'entre eux livrés elle-même à des miliciens hutus qui perpétraient les massacres, Albert échappe miraculeusement à la mort

Ma mere m’a tue Albert Nsegimana
Alors que sa mère, une Hutue, a orchestré et accompagné la tuerie de ses propres enfants, qu'elle a pour certains d'entre eux livrés elle-même à des miliciens hutus qui perpétraient les massacres, Albert échappe miraculeusement à la mort

Ma mere m’a tue Albert Nsegimana
Alors que sa mère, une Hutue, a orchestré et accompagné la tuerie de ses propres enfants, qu'elle a pour certains d'entre eux livrés elle-même à des miliciens hutus qui perpétraient les massacres, Albert échappe miraculeusement à la mort

Ma mere m’a tue Albert Nsegimana
Alors que sa mère, une Hutue, a orchestré et accompagné la tuerie de ses propres enfants, qu'elle a pour certains d'entre eux livrés elle-même à des miliciens hutus qui perpétraient les massacres, Albert échappe miraculeusement à la mort

Belgians in Rwanda
The 1916-1925 Belgian colonial rule and its main periods

Kunda inka
Significance of cow in ancient Rwanda showcased at Inyambo Parade

Iyimikwa ry’umwami
The rules ,regulations and riturals that governed the process of becoming a king

Rwandan clans
Rwanda’s clans were approximately 20. Each clan with its totem and beliefs